An unidentified police officer with the Los Santos Police Department was caught allegedly having sex inside an office of the department's Mission Row station while on duty.
Images obtained by Weazel News, show the undressed officer conducting lewd acts with an unidentified female inside of a locked office on the first floor of the building. It’s unclear if the female is part of department personnel or a civilian who is now caught in the middle of a scandal.
The officer is lucky to have turned off his radio, imagine the sound of that going over the Los Santos airwaves.
Law enforcement sources tell Weazel News that it’s common for a police officer to “go off the radar” while on their shift. Usually to complete paperwork or to process arrest reports, which is typically done at the police station.
The incident allegedly happened during a late night shift back in October, according to the tipster who wanted to remain anonymous.
A spokesperson for the Los Santos Police Department says they have launched an internal investigation to learn more about the incident and will not comment any further regarding the matter.
Going forward, maybe don't “do it” at work – or at least choose an office without windows.